

Kempower is a public limited liability company registered in Finland and its shares are listed on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The company’s domicile is in Lahti.

The responsibilities and obligations of Kempower’s management bodies are determined in accordance with Finnish law. Kempower’s corporate governance is based on the company’s Articles of Association, the Finnish Companies Act (624/2006, as amended), the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012, as amended), corporate governance principles adopted by the Board of Directors of the company and Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd’s rules and recommendations as well as on other applicable regulations. Furthermore, Kempower complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code issued by the Securities Market Association, which is publicly available at

Kempower issues annually a Corporate Governance Statement as a separate report which is available in pdf format. The statement is not updated during the fiscal period. For most up-to-date information on Kempower’s corporate governance please refer to our website.