Kempower delivers fast charging technology to GodEnergi A/S for electric bus depot in Denmark

EV fast charging solutions provider Kempower will deliver DC fast charging technology to GodEnergi A/S for a new electric bus depot in Aalborg, Denmark. The delivery includes Kempower C- and S-Series DC fast charging solutions. Aalborg bus depot will host fast charging technology 121 buses, and it will be the biggest electric bus depot in the Nordic countries. The bus depot will be ready in August 2022.
Tomi Ristimäki, CEO, Kempower said: “We are happy to continue the cooperation with GodEnergi and to contribute to this great project, which will be the biggest electric bus depot in the Nordics. This is a great continuum to the electric bus depot in Copenhagen, Denmark for over 40 electric buses also in cooperation with GodEnergi in 2021, where Kempower’s charging solution proves its value especially with its space-saving design and flexibility.”
Further enquiries:
Tomi Ristimäki, CEO, Kempower
Tel. +358 29 0021900
Kempower, media relations:
Paula Savonen, Director, Communications, Kempower
Tel. +358 29 0021900
About GodEnergi: